January 11 and January 12
The Baptism of the Lord
From Deacon Dick~
Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest
Experience teaches us that, from time to time, there may be no priest to preside at our weekend Masses due to unforeseen circumstances.
A number of years ago, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) published a Rite entitled: “Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest.” This Rite, which is not Mass, may be led by a deacon or a baptized layperson. I share with you a letter from Bishop Scharfenberger that is to be read at the beginning of the Rite:
“Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Because there is no priest available, under very carefully proscribed circumstances, I have given permission for a Sunday liturgy to take place without the Eucharist. Instead, today this community will celebrate the Liturgy of the Word led by a deacon or lay person who has been prepared for this ministry. It is possible that Holy Communion may also be offered. In your prayers today, I ask that you place before God, most especially, the need to have priests to serve and lead our people. Please know that participation in this celebration fulfills your Sunday obligation. Thank you for your faithfulness in observing Sunday as the Day of the Lord.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Edward B. Scharfenberger, Bishop of Albany”
To prepare for this eventuality, we will be offering training for women and men lay ministers who have the gifts to be presiders when there is no priest or deacon available. Please join me in praying that all those called to priestly ministry may respond favorably.
Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany Parish Networks
Dominican Retreat and Conference Center
The Dominican Retreat and Conference Center in Niskayuna, New York offers retreats for women and men, workshops and presentations to enhance your spiritual life and growth. We offer retreats for persons in 12 step programs on topics of alcoholism, abuse, and eating issues. Be sure to check out the Windmill, a private hermitage, available for private individual retreats. If you need a place to hold a retreat or conference, we have just the spot for you!
Mass Times
(Search Christ Our Light Church Loudonville)
Sunday, 10 AM
Tuesday, 9 AM
Updates, changes, and resources can be found on myParishApp on your mobile device by texting App to 88202. It’s FREE.
Click on to Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany website for details http://www.rcda.org/
Children's Worship Bulletins
Deacon Richard Thiesen
Parish Life Director
Justine Rodriguez
Music Director
Office Hours
Daily Reading
Tuesday of the First Week in Ordinary Time
01/14/25 9:30 am
Monday of the First Week in Ordinary Time
01/13/25 9:30 am
The Baptism of the Lord
01/12/25 9:30 am