Our Mission: We are a welcoming Catholic Community of disciples encouraging all to celebrate and experience the love of Christ.

Christ Our Light Catholic Church - Loudonville, NY


January 18 and January 19
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

From Deacon Dick~ 


          This excerpt from today’s second reading reminds us that the Holy Spirit is at work in all people.  Each of “us” (that is, each human person on this earth) is given “different kinds of spiritual gifts by the same Spirit.” 

         We believe that each individual is a “temple of the Holy Spirit.”  Then how is it that hate seems to be so rampant and even accepted as the norm?  How might we allow the Holy Spirit to work in us to help usher in the Kingdom of God that Jesus announces? 

Recently I had a conversation with a friend who is struggling with the breadth and depth of hate that permeates our world.  He raised a fundamental question that should echo within our hearts:  Given our experiences of hate in all its virulent forms, what can I do about it … what can I do about it… what can I do about it?  And so my friend went to his Rabbi who gave him this:

+ I will speak out against anyone who mocks or intimidates persons of a different race, religion, ethnic group, gender or sexual orientation.

+ I will reach out to support those who are targets of harassment.

+ I will do my best to call out prejudice and to stop those who, because of hate, would hurt, harass or violate the civil rights of anyone.

+ I will try at all times to be aware of my own biases & prejudices.

+ I will seek to deepen my understanding of other cultures, religions, sexual identities, and races.

+ I will think of specific ways my community can promote respect for all  people.

+ I firmly believe that one person can make a difference and that no person can be an “innocent bystander” when it comes to opposing hate.

What can I do about hate?  The best way is the practice of the better.  May we pledge from this day onward to bring the Gospel to life through the ways in which we love one another?

And let the church say:  AMEN!

Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany Parish Networks



Unable to join us at Church - our Saturday 4 PM Mass is live streamed, on YouTube.com. Go to YouTube and search Christ Our Light Church Loudonville 

Dominican Retreat and Conference Center

The Dominican Retreat and Conference Center in Niskayuna, New York offers retreats for women and men, workshops and presentations to enhance your spiritual life and growth. We offer retreats for persons in 12 step programs on topics of alcoholism, abuse, and eating issues. Be sure to check out the Windmill, a private hermitage, available for private individual retreats. If you need a place to hold a retreat or conference, we have just the spot for you!


Spiritual Direction

Mass Times

Saturday, 4 PM LiveStreamed on YouTube
(Search Christ Our Light Church Loudonville)
Sunday, 10 AM
Tuesday, 9 AM

Updates, changes, and resources can be found on myParishApp on your mobile device by texting App to 88202. It’s FREE.


Donate Now

 Click on to Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany website for details http://www.rcda.org/


Office Hours

Monday - Thursday 8:30AM-4:00PM.
Closed Friday



Daily Reading

Memorial of Saint Agnes, Virgin and Martyr

Readings for the Memorial of Saint Agnes, Virgin and Martyr

Reading 1 Hebrews 6:10-20

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Monday of the Second Week in Ordinary Time

Reading 1 Hebrews 5:1-10

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Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Reading I Isaiah 62:1-5

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